Products name: Ultrafiltration Equipment
Gkem Ultrafiltration Equipments allow customers to Optimize E-coat tank efficiency by recovering dragged-out paint, Improve production, Improve finish, Reduce rejects, Comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations, Improve bottom line.
Gkem Designed for extended life in a wide range of industrial and electrocoat applications. Ultrafiltration Elements provide greater greater resistance to fouling by colloidal particles and oily contamination. The Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) membrane provides excellent chemical and temperature resistance under a variety of process conditions.
The Gkem Ultrafiltration Equipment is a module system designed to applications(ex: anodic/cathodic Paint, inkjet ink, select water borne paints, waste water wecycle, alkaline cleaner recovert, PVA recovery, and etc). It is a more automated equipment for ultrafiltration.
Gkem designs and manufactures an extensive line of innovative solutions for specific applications in Electrocoat Industry, ink industry, Biopharmaceutical, Microelectronics, Food & Beverage, Industrial and Chemical industries. Gkem unsurpassed product consistency and cost-efficiency for our customers. Our experienced professionals can help you select the right solution for your application.
Available in sealed or netted (high flow) design,
Membrane has no electrical charge and can be used on either Anodic or Cathodic electrocoat paints,
Resistant to fouling due to contamination or color pigments,
Element construction developed for extended life in industrial applications,
Available in standard diameter or custom sized configurations for maximum performance and optimal cleaning,
Increased resistance to oxidizing cleaning agents,
Standard systems to 300 (USGPM),
Pretreat and water conditioning systems,
Gkem a leader in the development of UF/RO combination systems for closed loop applications,
Our fully trained and experienced service division is available to help you with reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration questions.
Design for special demand, For customized solutions.
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